Some Messages from the Angels, Via Veronica!

The world is changing and it is an opportunity for us to adapt and allow new ways of living. Brilliant new ideas are formed from being open to our creativity, love in our hearts and trust in the Power far greater than any of us, the Power of the Highest Light, the Universe, Creator, God, Source, Great Spirit!

Kindly consider this - We start and continue to think, or visualize, or feel, or know, or have a sense of abundance. For example, instead of thinking of shortage/lack when we are exposed to the hype about a shortage of toilet paper, whether it be via television, the internet, phone or interaction with some others, we have the power to change our perspective and our thinking to “there is now a plentiful supply of toilet paper. The supermarket shelves are now restocked to the brim and continue to be easily restocked”.

When we use language, with meaning and feeling, such as:

"I choose to feel more peaceful within. I choose to feel love for me and others. I choose to relax my body and mind more often. I choose to be kind to others, including animals and nature. I choose to be in nature often. I choose to be open to create and implement solutions to overcome my challenges. I choose to accept help when required with gratitude. I choose to be open, ready and allow a fresh new way of living. I choose to be willing to allow myself to be revitalized, I choose to eat healthy foods, I choose to be gentle and kind to myself."

and consistently use positive affirming words, it strengths our mind, body and energetic systems.

Please know that one of the ways we can assist ourselves and others is:

When we stop putting disparaging posts on social media etc.! This dissipates the energy of lack and fear. When we post truly high integrity, uplifting and useful communication, it has a positive ripple effect out to the collective, which in turn helps us consciously and subconsciously feel relief. Our body and mind then have opportunities to relax, and therefore be more open to clarity and a sense of calm.

Know that we are very loved and supported. Trust that fresh and truly fulfilling new ways of living are being created now. Embracing and contributing our special and unique gifts and talents is the key!

Blessings and Love, Veronica Psaila
