Children Help Us Reconnect With Our Inner Child!
/Children live in the moment. They spread love and joy. Great role models aren’t they!
Children show us how to remain connected to our own inner child, who lives in our heart. They remind us to play, to be in the now and to fully open up to love!
We all have an inner child, who is literally us as a new born, through all the ages, right up until a young adult. Being more present with your inner child is easy.
Simply place your hands on your heart, take some lovely deep breaths and feel into you (as a child). Your age may differ each time you choose to do so. If you have some reservations about what type of experience will occur (especially if you have had a very challenging childhood), ask your angels or high guides or Creator, Source, God, Universe, Great Spirit to assist.
Talk to her, non-binary, or him, who is you as a child. Gently let your inner child know that they are very loved, safe and have many new uplifting adventures manifesting now.
Chat to your inner child and ask what she, non-binary, or he would like to do. Take time to listen or feel or see or know.. what your inner child is offering. You will sense the answers. Trust!
For instance, you ask “is there something fun you really would like to do soon?” and you receive a sense of fish and/or boat. At first you might not understand why fish and/or boat came to your attention. Then, as you ponder over it, you remember that in recent times you had thought about getting out your fishing rod and reel (which hasn’t been used in years) and go fishing soon. Your inner child is confirming what your intuition was kindly prompting you to explore!
Feeling into your heart and connecting to your inner child, whether it is having regular conversations with, remembering childhood times, looking at photos, listening or playing music, sewing, enjoying creativity overall, being in nature, loving animals… raises your vibration and has a positive flow on effect for others.
Discovering deeper aspects of our inner child and their needs, is to discover deeper aspects of us as adults.
It is very healing on many levels to embrace and love our Inner Child!
Blessings and Love, Veronica Psaila