Cleanse Your Being with Veronica Psaila

Melbourne Australia based genuine psychic medium and spiritual healer Veronica Psaila conducts personal clearings. Her personal spiritual clearings cleanse and assist heal your psychic being and personal space of negative, unwanted or residual energy. Veronica’s gentle, generous and effective approach and techniques assists with a feeling of energetic relief, and helps inspire you to more forward and take more positive action in your life!

Spiritual cleansing allows your higher vibrational energy to flow more freely, creating positive energetic patterns. Personal clearings are soul healing and can transform your entire psyche, easing and dissolving unidentifiable issues you may have. Veronica’s personal clearings can be done in-person or remotely, using her powerful gifts as a psychic medium with grace and high intention!

Reasons for seeking Personal Clearings

Outdated or uncomfortable energies surrounding individuals present in various ways. You may feel a mysterious physical imbalance, a strange negative 'charge', persistent negative thought patterns or a tangible presence. You may feel fine when walking into a particular room, office, event etc., to then find your emotions change perhaps feeling stressed or even angry and not knowing why. It may be that you have absorbed another person’s energy at that time. Your subconscious or unconscious can also hold onto heavier energetic forms.

A personal clearing may also be to address an entity that is around you, a spirit attachment or a lost soul with unfinished business who is looking for help. With compassion and understanding, respect and guidance, Veronica communicates with them, to help resolve their issues and kindly assist them to move on.

A Positive Clear Energetic State

Depending on your individual needs, the effects of a personal clearing by Veronica Psaila can range from subtle to substantial and is done with gentleness, respect and safety. Your personal clearing will bring more balance, positivity and clarity into your life!