Singing, Humming, Whistling with your Angels!
The Choirs of Angels sing the most beautiful songs and play exquisite music. It flows down from High, raising our vibration, sending messages and healing to our energetic and physical bodies. It is one of the forms or techniques, by way of receiving “new” awareness!
They play in “bands” and “orchestras” and perform sole acts! J They have great pleasure in expressing the Divine! The angels choose what “instruments” they relish playing and nominate to be with those who resonate with them.
They appear near musicians, conductors and all who enjoy musical “tools”, DJ’s, radio announcers, teachers, music, carollers, lyrists people who hum, whistle and singing.
When I hear, see and feel them sing, it fills my heart chakra, then spreads through me. The cells in my body literally listen and respond to them. They clear, strengthen and vibrate at a higher “level”. It can transport me so far up that I sometimes have to consciously keep grounding myself.
Angels can play all sorts of instruments, both what we use as humans and also they can create their own. I see some playing long feathers, tubes of Light, sitting on literal rainbows and strumming the colours.
I have even seen one joyously play a gum leaf, (I know, how cute!). They too practice their skills, receiving instructions and tutoring from their “teachers and mentors”. They know the value in keeping things “Light and upskilling”!
Because the angels are continuing in their ascension processes, they too like to take notes, learn, participate and have fun. When people enjoy music, whistling, humming and singing (whether it be in the shower, car, on stage, recording studio, the list goes on), the angels love to participate, joining in when asked (whether consciously or subconsciously).
Having gratitude for your voice and expressing through song (even if you think you don’t have a dazzling dulcet tones) is enormously beneficial. It can lighten your mood, bring out a creative side in you, reconnect you with your Inner Child, angels, guides!
You are given an abundance of precious natural tools to enhance your “creative songs within”…